LTD x Ms DMR Next Step 302W
BW: 0.7 WW: 25 YW: 56 M: 14 TM: 26 SC: 0.9 REA: 0.5 IMF: -0.16 FT: -0.012
A moderate framed, thick butted individual that, without a doubt exhibits the phenotype of the future of the beef cattle business. His name is a natural fit as the genetic combination of LTD of brinks and Suhn's Next Step 331R7 have a Tradition of working time and time again. It mixes really well and produces outstanding females and bulls that are consistently lower BW cattle that have been readily accepted to by the commercial industry. He started life with an actual birth weight of 75 pounds and went on to record tremendous data of an adjusted 365 of 1258 pounds to raito 106. His ultrasound for REA was adjusted to 16.22 to also ratio 106. This performance information ranks him in the top 20% of the breed for yearling and top 15% for rib eye area. His sire and dam's sire represent two of the most used sire lines in the breed today and both have a reputation of producing functional offspring that are consistent and uniform in their kind. The 302 family adds another dimension of strength to this youngster. His dam is a higly regarded donor that has done an excellent job for both the Johnston and Milam programs. Study your outfits needs and if your program can use a sire that will moderate frame, add thickness plus type, maintain a strong maternal base and is backed by a pedgiree plus the data that has a Tradition of working for cowmen.